Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Colitti, Kline receive initial Itojun awards at IETF
A press statement made available to Daily Champion by the Internet Society (ISOC), noted that the award ceremony was in honour and memory of Dr. Jun-ichiro "itojun" Hagino, who passed away in 2007, aged just 37.
The award, established by the friends of itojun and administered by the Internet Society (ISOC), recognises and commemorates the extraordinary dedication exercised by itojun over the course of IPv6 development.
"The sustained efforts of Lorenzo and Erik have tangibly increased the availability of Web-based services that use IPv6, reflecting the Itojun Service Award's focus on pragmatic contributions in the spirit of serving the global Internet's continued evolution," said Jun Murai of the Itojun Service Award committee and Director of the WIDE Project.
"The Itojun Service award aims to recognize how important both the development of IPv6 and related protocols and efforts to advance their deployment are to ensuring the Internet continues to serve as a platform for innovation around the world."
The Itojun Service Award is focused on pragmatic contributions to developing and deploying IPv6 in the spirit of serving the Internet. The award, expected to be presented annually, includes a presentation crystal, a US$3,000 honorarium and a travel grant.
Lorenzo Colitti, Network Engineer at Google said, "This is a great honour. Itojun is a legend in the IPv6 community, and the Internet is indebted to him. Without his foundational work, none of what we achieved with IPv6 would be possible - we stand on the shoulders of giants. Itojun has been a source of inspiration, and I regret never being able to meet him, to show him our work, and show him that we too shared his vision of bringing IPv6 to the users of the Internet."
Erik Kline, IPv6 Software Engineer at Google said, "It's humbling to be sharing the Itojun Service Award, having achieved by comparison only a small fraction of the impact of his widely influential body of work. For me personally, Google's IPv6 efforts are not just for the Internet and its future but also a way to honor his vision, dedication, and passion."
IPv6 was developed within the IETF, the Internet's premier standards-making body responsible for the development of protocols used in IP-based networks.
IETF participants represent an international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers involved in the technical operation of the Internet and the continuing evolution of Internet architecture.
... Making sense out of digital revolution!
Friday, November 20, 2009
IGF 2009: Concluding summary @ Sharm El-Shelkh
Sharm el-Sheikh, 18 November 2009 - The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) concluded today its fourth meeting in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, where it met from 15 to 18 November 2009 with calls from participants to extend the Internet Governance Forum beyond its current mandate. With more than 1800 participants from 112 countries, the 2009 Forum saw the largest attendance record since its inception in 2006. The participants reflected the diversity of internet users and came from governments, international organizations, the Internet community, the private sector, civil society and the media.
Discussions in Sharm el-Sheikh, chaired by Tarek Kamel, the Egyptian Minister of Communications and Information Technology, examined ways to improve Internet access by all and promote local content and cultural diversity; ensure the safety of the Internet and fight cybercrime; manage key Internet resources such as the root server system, technical standards, interconnection and telecommunications, the domain name system and Internet protocol addresses. The meeting also discussed new issues related to the continued growth of social networks, and the ensuing governance issues that are emerging, in particular, the need for new approaches regarding privacy and data protection, rules applicable to user-generated content and copyrighted material, and issues of freedom of expression and illegal content. Parallel to the main sessions on these issues, more than 100 workshops, best practice forums, dynamic coalition meetings and open forums were held around the broad themes of the main sessions and the overall mandate of the IGF.
The Forum, which was set up with an initial mandate of five years that expire next year, extensively discussed the issue of the future of the Forum beyond 2010, the end of its current mandate of 5 years. Sha Zukang, UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, who led formal consultations with Forum participants on the "desirability of the continuation of the Forum", stressed the centrality of the principle of inclusiveness and the need for continued discussions on public policy issues related to the Internet in some form. A report on these consultations will be presented to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who will then communicate his recommendation to the General-Assembly.
High ranking government officials who took the floor at the opening of the meeting agreed that the IGF should continue to meet beyond 2010, stressing that IGF had proven its usefulness. Support for the continuation of the Forum was expressed all through the Sharm el-Sheikh meeting and reiterated in closing statements by representatives from all stakeholder groups, including state officials, many of whom said they were already looking forward to the meeting which Kenya hoped to organize in 2011.
In his closing statement, the Chairman of the 2009 IGF meeting saw wide consensus on "the need for the continuation of the IGF process with the legitimacy provided by the U.N. umbrella as well as the dynamic nature of the event", which was very clear in Sharm el-Sheikh and needed to continue.
In a chairman's summary distributed at the end of the meeting, it was noted that many speakers emphasized the usefulness of the IGF as a platform for dialogue, free from the pressures of negotiations. Most of the speakers who supported improvements would like the IGF to refocus its attention on certain points such as international public policy issues; capacity-building; participation by developing countries; improved transparency; improved communications; improved remote participation; creating a data base for best practices; more visibility for outcomes, and possibly the ability to make recommendations. Many speakers supported a continuation of the Forum as it is, that is to continue the IGF as a multistakeholder platform that brings people together to discuss issues, exchange information and share best practices, but not to make decisions, nor to have highly visible outputs. Other speakers, while supporting a continuation of the IGF along similar lines to its current form, they called for some changes. The proposed changes ranged from small improvements to major changes in its functioning, such as adding provisions that would allow it to produce outputs and decisions on a multistakeholder consensus basis. Most of those who supported the continuation of the forum would like to do so for at least another five year term.
Next year's IGF meeting will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, from 14 to 17 September.
Issued by the UN Department of Public Information
... Making sense out of digital revolution!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Nigeria Digital Sense forum 2009 - Communique
Nigeria Digital Sense Forum communiqué,
Thursday, November 5, 2009,
Ikoyi-Lagos, Nigeria.
Theme: “Internet Governance: Creating Opportunities for All Nigerians”
We, the participants of the Nigeria Digital Sense Forum held at the Golden Gate Ikoyi-Lagos on “Internet Governance: Creating Opportunities for All Nigerians” on Thursday, November 5, 2009, organized by Digital Sense Africa (DSA) an initiative of Remnek Kommunications Ventures (RKV) in collaboration with the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC).
We call to mind that a harmonized voice within the Nigerian Internet community is critical to the development of Internet in the country and the sub-region and the continent in entirety.
Also, we call to mind that harmonized voice among Nigerian Internet community will provide Nigeria the opportunity to have a united front before confronting the world at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) scheduled to hold in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt between November 15 and 18, 2009.
The forum identified security as a major issue of concern for the Nigerian Internet community.
Additionally, we call to mind that the global Internet Governance Forum afforded the Nigerian Internet community to come together alongside other communities from around the world to ensure optimization of Access, Openness, Security, Diversity and Internet Governance.
Equally, we call to mind that the release recently by the United States’ Affirmation of Commitment to the global internet community via the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN); is a welcome development that could endear the trust of those hitherto not comfortable with the arrangement which began with the US Department of Commerce (DoC).
Hence, in alignment with the outcome of the West African Internet Governance forum, held in Accra-Ghana, especially in the areas of encouraging African countries to take the issues of Internet Governance more seriously by ensuring engagement of stakeholders at IGF level.
1. It was agreed that members of the Nigeria Internet community must be encouraged to participate at the forthcoming Internet Governance Forum and actively too.
2. Make pronouncement with respect to the security of the Internet and discrimination thereof, especially meted out on honest and God fearing Nigerians who are more interested in engaging positively with the world on the Internet.
3. The discrimination against Nigeria’s based Internet Protocol (IP) address should stop because it is negatively affecting the majority of Nigerians who are confidently engaged on the Internet.
4. Both the government of Nigeria and Internet community in the country should strive in enlightening the populace and the world over on the keenness of the majority of Nigerians in deploying Internet for ICT for Development (ICT4D) growth.
5. Nigeria’s Internet Service Providers (ISPs), especially members of the ISP Association of Nigeria (ISPAN), Association of Licensed Telecom Operators of Nigeria (ALTON) and Association of Telecom Companies of Nigeria (ATCON), should connect without further delay with the Internet Exchange Point of Nigeria (IXPN), so as to encourage local internet to remain local, which has multiplier effect, including saving money for both the ISPs and customers – the end-users.
6. Nigeria should canvass for a root server to be located in the country to further push and retain local traffic locally.
7. Also, members of the ISP Association of Nigeria (ISPAN), Association of Licensed Telecom Operators of Nigeria (ALTON) and Association of Telecom Companies of Nigeria (ATCON), should ensure compliance by ensuring registration of their domains in the country code Top Level Domains (ccTLD), .ng.
8. This will make the .ng commercially viable and eventually give the ccTLD the need popularity it needed to be feasible among equals.
9. Nigerian participants at the IGF 2009 must ensure that alienation of Nigeria’s IP address (IP blocking) is stopped and that Nigeria has the population to push its desire and voice to be heard in Egypt and at all conferences in relation to Internet and its governance even beyond IGF.
10. There is need to refocus Nigerian youths engaged in online fraud (cybercrime) otherwise known as ‘Yahoo, Yahoo’ by way of granting them amnesty followed with skilled training and adoption into the mainstream, in order to positively utilize their talents.
Enjoining Nigerian stakeholders to:
1. Ensure maximum participation at all times, at Internet Governance related forum.
2. Strengthening the partnership of the forum through collaboration with relevant Ministries, Departments and Agency of government, mostly at the federal level including the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Galaxy Backbone (GBB) Plc, National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) among other public private partnership.
The Nigeria Digital Sense forum was proudly supported by Galaxy Backbone Plc, MTN Nigeria Communications Limited, iWayAfrica Nigeria, New Horizons Ltd, Omatek Plc, Teledom Group, Telecom Answers Associates (TAA) and endorsed by Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA), Nigeria Internet Group (NIG), Internet Exchange Point of Nigeria (IXPN), Association of Licensed Telecom Operators of Nigeria (ALTON), Association of Telecom Companies of Nigeria (ATCON) among others.
Digital Sense Africa, November 10, 2009
For full story: ITRealms Online
... Making sense out of digital revolution!
Internet Governance 2009: IP blocking unacceptable to Nigeria – Stakeholders
Participants at the recently concluded one-day Nigeria Digital Sense forum in a communiqué made available to ITRealms Online by the organizers, Digital Sense Africa (DSA) in collaboration with the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) on the theme: “Internet Governance:
Creating Opportunities for All Nigerians” agreed that issues of Internet Protocol (IP) blocking on Nigeria IP addresses is not acceptable.
Thus, there is need to revisit the issue so as to avoid blocking of every IP address with link to Nigeria.
For full story: ITRealms Online
... Making sense out of digital revolution!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
IGF; Experts strategise for Nigeria's position

THE need to articulate a common position for the Nigerian delegation to the next Internet Governance Forum (IGF), taking place in Egypt in a fortnight, took the front burner, as Information and Communications Technology (ICT) stakeholders gathered in Lagos to brainstorm on the way forward.
The forum tagged Internet Governance: Creating opportunities for all Nigerians, the forum saw every speaker offering solutions on how best to table the nation’s interests at the IGF given the fact that the internet world is virtually at intersection on the way forward after the United States let go the control of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) recently.
Lobbying, the route to growth:
Speaking on the relevance of the forum the chairman at the occasion, Chief Chima Onyekwere, said the event could not have come at a better time, noting that the presence of students is an indication that in 20 years, many of them would be equipped enough to take charge in the ICT sector.
He called on associations within the sector to pursue advocacy and act as pressure groups and catalyst to bring about the needed change in the sector. Lobbying, he said, is important at this stage of ICT development in the country and only through that could the dreams of the sector be fulfilled.
IGF is multi-stakeholders:
On his part, the President, Nigeria Internet Group (NIG), Mr. Lanre Ajayi, said that the IGF is a multi-stakeholders’ forum and that an agency of government should have taken charge of this pre-IGF forum, but said the organizers, Digital Sense Africa (DSA), should be commended for taking up the initiative.
Mr. Ajayi who spoke on NIG and Internet governance, said the IGF came as a result of pressure all over the world for autonomy of ICANN, which gave birth to the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunisia 2005, after the first phase was held in Geneva in 2003, metamorphosing into a yearly forum for solution on the governance of the internet.
He identified security, access, diversity, openness and internet governance as the areas on which discussions will be based at the forthcoming IGF slated to hold in Egypt and a failure by any nation including Nigeria to align itself with the aforementioned and adequately represented in these discussions will mean that other nations will decide for such a nation.
On diversity, he said, the issue will be that of language, wondering that the world over, there are about 3 billion people, and China accounts for over one billion, yet only English language has dominated Internet content. He also noted that on access, that every Nigerian must be connected as a right rather than a privilege.
Nigerians must take interest in .ng
For the Vice President, Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA), Mrs. Mary Uduma, the issue of the nation’s position on IGF is beyond the government or any single association, but a collective national issue. She highlighted the importance of the Internet, saying that the era of voice only in telecommunication diffusion is over and that the world is now focusing on ‘data.’
“Internet governance is not restricted to the activities of governments. Many different types of stakeholders have a role in defining and carrying out Internet governance activities and Internet Society (ISOC) for instance, has always been an active leader in such discussions. When governance is mentioned, there must be some conjecture of politics. Politics, we all are aware is a game of numbers. The purpose of this forum is possibly to articulate ways and means for Nigeria to wield overwhelming influence in Internet governance,” she pointed out.
Mrs. Uduma who spoke on Internet Governance: The role of NiRA noted that though it may sound scandalous but statistics as at March, 2009, indicated that Africa still lags behind with less than 1 million domain names under Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs) in the region.
She warned that the United States (US) and the West will continue to wield the greatest influence in Internet Governance if the appetite for generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) is not curbed. Noting that ISOC positions, for instance, supports an open and globally accessible Internet.
IGF, is multi-stakeholder driven:
By the Tunis agenda, she said, the IGF should be multilateral, multi-stakeholder, democratic, and transparent, with all stakeholders playing their appropriate roles. And most importantly, IGF is a negotiating forum but not a decision-making body. Instead, the idea is for IGF to be constituted as a neutral, non-duplicative, and non-binding process.
“It would have no involvement in day-to-day or technical operations of the Internet. It is to be a place where issues could be explored in an open environment,” she said, stressing that in practice, IGF has proven to be a place where issues are ‘conditioned’ through a developmental process.
On the activities of NIRA, she said it was set up to play a very critical role in the Domain Name System (DNS) and as managers of the Nigerian country code top level domain (ccTLD), .ng. This stakeholder-led association, Mrs. Uduma said, has the oversight function of what portends to be the largest registry in Africa going by the nation’s population index in the continent.
“But it is foregone that in the final analysis, a successful registry would not be attained as a result of the share magnitude of the country’s population. It would take diligent planning, finance and execution,” Mrs. Uduma stressed.
She further said NIRA is ready to position .ng as the leading ccTLD in Africa and ultimately, one of the foremost domains in the world, because the cost of registering domains under this platform is very cheap. “We are poised to build a pace-setting environment where the usage of the domain name service will be harmonious, and inherently become a model system in the industry,” she said.
NiRA, she said, is committed to become the administrators of and the non-governmental self-regulatory body for the .ng ccTLD and its associated sub-level domain as well as promoting the operational stability and utility of the .ng ccTLD by ensuring cost effective administration, development and establishment of policy frameworks for the advancement of .ng.
IXPN enthrones cheap access:
The Chief executive officer, Internet eXchange Point Nigeria (IXPN) Limited, Mr. Muhammed Rudman, dwelling on ‘IXPN: Creating Opportunities for all Nigerians,’ said the concept of an Internet exchange point is a physical infrastructure through which Internet service providers (ISPs) exchange Internet traffic between their networks locally.
“An IXP interconnects Internet service providers (ISPs) in a region or country, allowing them to exchange domestic Internet traffic locally without having to send those messages across multiple international hubs to reach their destination,” he said.
Before now, he said, a message would travel from one part of the country to Europe and America before reaching its destination which is in another part of the country.
“Imagine travelling to Lagos, London, New York, finally to arrive at Ibadan at a high cost, low speed, small capacity and low reliability,” he asserted.
… Saves money:
On the benefit of Internet eXchange points to the nation, Rudman said, it saves money, traffic going overseas, which entails transit charges paid to the upstream ISP; reduces foreign exchange and capital flight as the money stays in local economy and provides better local infrastructure and services for customers
Others, he outlined to include customers pay less for Internet access, therefore, more customers sign up, better business and enhance local connectivity and improve internet experience of end users and creates new revenue opportunity as customers use the Internet for more products, services, and activities.
On the way forward, Rudman said his office is collaborating with NgNOG to connect all higher educational institutions in Lagos, to connect to the exchange point towards the establishment of National Research & Education Network (NREN); Private Public Partnership (PPP) in the establishment of other IXPs across the country and inter-IXP backbone link; localization of Google, Microsoft to name a few as well as deployment of Content Distribution Network (CDN), for instance, Akamai ; Massive campaign for local content development and interconnection of all West African IXPs.
7-point agenda for IGF:
Equally speaking, the Executive Director, Paradigm Initiative Nigeria (PIN) Mr. Gbenga ‘Sesan advocated, what he called the 7-Point Agenda for IGF. These, he listed to include “Access, diversity, openness, security, critical Internet resources, development and capacity building.”
He said, building opportunity for young people would involve new generation skills, such as web 2.0; facebook, twitter to name a few.
“Who says there are no jobs? There are jobs, there are just no skilled people to take them,” he declared, stressing that capacity building is not just in technology skills but business skills and attitude.
Mr. Sesan who spoke on ‘Internet Governance and Nigerian youths’ recommended that every misdirected young cybercriminal is a potential human resource, who could be engaged in order to redirect such energies.
Why pre-IGF is vital:
Speaking earlier, the organizer of the event and executive director, Digital Sense Africa (DSA), Mrs. Nkemdilim Nweke said the purpose of the forum is to act as a rallying point for the nation’s internet stakeholders in raising and addressing salient issues concerning the ICT sector with particular reference to the internet governance-related issues.
She said apart from providing a platform for stakeholders to articulate a stand on IGF, the relevance of fighting poverty across the continent with the instrumentality of ICT was also a motivating factor.
“Poverty in Africa is wide spread and without the ability to communicate, the continent would remain poor and isolated, thus lacking the means to participate in the global society especially for women and youths,” she said.
She also identified poor power supply, lack of economic power, lack of enabling laws and the inability to understand the enormous potentials inherent in technology with reference to the internet, as some of the obstacles on the way to greater internet access in the country.
Just as she commended the likes of Galaxy Backbone plc, iWayAfrica Nigeria, MTN Nigeria, Teledom Group and New Horizons for finding it worthy to partner her DSA on this laudable programme to move the nation forward.
Above all, the Nigeria Internet community has taken the bull by the horn at the Digital Sense forum, but the next step is to ensure that Nigeria is well represented at the IGF 2009, especially from the government.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Akunyili, Ndukwe lead speakers @ Digital Sense forum

The chairperson of the Bureau of African Ministers of Communications and Information Technologies (ICT) and Minister of Information and Communications, Prof. Dora Akunyili would on Thursday this week in Lagos, declare open the annual Nigeria Digital Sense forum.
The event which has been slated to hold at the Golden Gate Restaurant, Ikoyi-Lagos, would also have the Executive Vice Chairman (EVC) of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), Dr. Ernest Ndukwe as a keynote speaker focusing on the theme of the forum, Internet Governance: Creating Opportunities for All Nigerians.
Disclosing this, the Executive Director, Operations, Digital Sense Africa (DSA), Mrs. Nkemdilim Nweke said it is heartwarming that the honourable minister, Prof. Akunyili, would be at the event by accepting to honour the forum, which is the first of its kind in the country.
According to her, the forum aims at galvanizing ICT stakeholders and the Nigerian Internet community particularly to harmonize relevant voices towards having a national position at the forthcoming global conference on Internet, tagged the Internet Governance Forum, holding in Egypt later in November.
She recalled that Nigeria emerged the chairperson of the Bureau of African Ministers of Communications and Information Technologies (ICT) under the auspices of the African Union (AU) Commission at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)-Telecom Africa 2008 at the Cairo International Conference and Exhibition Centre (CICC).
The election of Nigeria into this position, industry observers had said was in recognition of nation’s influence and current standing in ICT performance in the sub-region, even as the sector liberalization in Nigeria, has triggered an enabling environment provided by federal government based on the bid to enshrine fair and transparent regulatory framework within the telecommunication industry.
Confirming Akunyili’s participation at the event, she said a letter to DSA from the Federal Ministry of Information and Communications, endorsed by the Special Assistant to the honourable minister, Mrs. Mary Ikoku, stated that Prof. Akunyili has graciously accepted to be present at the occasion.
In addition, Mrs. Nweke said that the EVC, NCC, Dr. Ndukwe would present the keynote address, on the theme: Internet Governance: Creating Opportunities for All Nigerians, while the Vice President of the Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA), Mrs. Mary Uduma would dwell on ‘The Role of NiRA’ in creating internet opportunities for Nigerians, just as the Regional Manager, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), Ms Anne Inne Rachel would take participants on Internet Governance, Africa and ICANN’s position.
Equally the Managing Partner of Technology Advisors, Mr. Basil Udotai, she said would speak on the impact of law in Internet governance, while the chairperson, Inter-ministerial Committee on the Outcome of World Summit on Information Society, Mrs. Ibukun Odosote, would give account of the journey so far, just as the President of the Nigeria Internet Group (NIG), Mr. Lanre Ajayi would unveil the functions of the group in getting thus far.
Lots of chief executives of Internet Service Provider (ISP) companies and internet enthusiasts have signed up for the forum, even as MTN Nigeria Communications Limited and iWayAfrica have concluded arrangements to showcase their various internet-based products to the participants.
Digital Sense Africa is an initiative of Remnek Kommunications Ventures; Information and Communication Technology (ICT) analysts, public relations consultants, with continental media affiliates as part of its enlightenment strategies to engage Nigerians for sustainable deployment and utilization of technologies in order to make sense out of the revolution.
... Making sense out of digital revolution!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Onyekwere to preside @ Digital Sense forum

Affirming this position, Onyekwere applauded the leadership of Digital Sense Africa (DSA), the organizers under the watchful eyes of its Executive Director, Operations, Mrs. Nkemdilim Nweke. Expressing excitement over the proposed forum, Onyekwere said its timely and charged stakeholders to be alert to the issues that could facilitate development of Internet in Nigeria and globe.
He pointed out that there is need for Nigeria’s voice to be adequately heard at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), scheduled to hold in Egypt, later in November and urged stakeholders and industry analysts to come up at the forum with propositions that would best mainstream Nigeria’s internet penetration.
Reacting to this development, DSA boss, Mrs. Nkemdilim Nweke, said at the weekend that the choice of Onyekwere represents the quality of participants expected at the forum with the theme, Internet Governance: Creating Opportunities for All Nigerians. She equally said that the choice apart from giving honour to whom it is due, would elucidate Onyekwere’s position as chieftain of the Nigerian Internet community, which is not in doubt.
Also, she said that Onyekwere who currently oversees a conglomerate under Linkserve would add value to the forum and share his personal experience with participants with regards to the theme to boost internet access and penetration in the country.
Reiterating that with the likes of Onyekwere in attendance, Nigeria’s position would be well articulated at the Nigeria Digital Sense forum for onward project at the IGF meeting in Egypt, while offering a position for the government to take its role more fervently.
She recalled that the Association of Telecommunications Companies of Nigeria (ATCON) had equally drummed support for the Nigeria Digital Sense forum; a one-day roundtable in Lagos. Confirming this, the Acting Executive Secretary, ATCON, Mr. Ajibola Olude, said in the letter entitled ‘Endorsement for Nigeria Digital Sense forum’ that the ATCON was not biased in its rooting support for the event scheduled for Thursday, November 5 at Golden Gate, Ikoyi-Lagos.
According to him, ATCON’s National Executive Council has decided to collaborate with Digital Sense Africa on the project in three key areas. These, he listed to include by way of endorsement of the initiative, provision of relevant data and information so as to make the project a success as well as creating a sustained awareness among its teeming membership of telecom companies either through the internet or short message service (SMS).
... Making sense out of digital revolution!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
ATCON drums support for Digital Sense forum

Acting Executive Secretary of ATCON, Mr. Ajibola Olude, affirmed this in a letter to the organizers, Digital Sense Africa (DSA).
He said in the letter entitled ‘Endorsement for Nigeria Digital Sense forum’ that the ATCON was not biased in rooting support for the event scheduled for Thursday, November 5 at Golden Gate, Ikoyi-Lagos.
According to him, ATCON’s National Executive Council has decided to collaborate with Digital Sense Africa on the project in three key areas.
These, he listed to include by way of endorsement of the initiative, provision of relevant data and information so as to make the project a success as well as creating a sustained awareness campaign among its teeming membership of telecom companies either through the internet or short message service (SMS).
“Accept our congratulations,” he declared.
Elated Executive Director, Digital Sense Africa, Mrs. Nkemdilim Nweke, described the endorsement as a motivating step by ATCON for the initiative.
She applauded the leadership of ATCON led by Dr. Emmanuel Ekuwem for his foresight and commitment to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) development in the country.
Mrs. Nweke expressed optimism that ATCON’s support has gone a long way in encouraging its members, especially those offering Internet services to take advantage of the platform to take active part by way of exhibiting their internet-related based products, capable of aiding the penetration of Internet access in the country.
She recalled that Ekuwem’s role while he was the president of the Nigeria Internet Group (NIG) a few year’s back is not in question, in that he would always seek and support every step at promoting and boosting Internet access to Nigerians.
According to the DSA boss, her team has since taken its enlightenment to Facebook as part of the public engagement strategies to reach out to Nigerians.
While soliciting for more endorsement from industry groups in the country to support DSA in its objective of creating a rallying platform for Nigerian Internet community, she recalled that the Internet Exchange Point Nigeria Limited (IXPN) has equally given its support to the Nigeria Digital Sense forum holding on November 5, 2009.
ATCON is a professional, non-profit umbrella organisation of all telecommunication companies in Nigeria, inaugurated on December 10, 1993 as a national trade organisation, and has its membership drawn from Nigerian and multi-national companies, who provide telecommunications and information technology products and services nationwide.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Internet eXchange supports DigitalSense forum

Disclosing this, the Managing director and chief executive officer of IXPN, Mr. Muhammed Rudman, said that they understand the purpose of the Nigeria Digital Sense Forum, which is centred on rallying point for Nigerian internet stakeholders in raising and addressing salient issues concerning the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector, with particular reference to the Internet Governance-related issues and development in Nigeria.
The letter of endorsement made available to newsmen in Lagos and addressed to the Executive Director, Digital Sense Africa (DSA), Mrs. Nkemdilim Umah-Nweke commended the organization for coming up with such initiative, which he sees as an avenue to boost internet penetration in the country.
He recalled the theme of the forthcoming forum; Internet Governance-Creating Opportunities for all Nigerians, saying it is timely, just as he emphasized that IXPN is pleased to endorse the forum.
“Therefore, Internet Exchange Point Nigeria Limited (IXPN) will appreciate the support of all Internet stakeholders to take active participation,” he said.
Speaking further, he noted with interest that IXPN has connected to over 14 notable companies since it concluded installations of infrastructure in Lagos office.
These companies, he said, have confirmed their interest in joining the IXPN and will soon be exchanging traffic, keeping local traffic local, just as it should be.
He listed some of these companies are Amsco Telecoms, Tara Systems, Skannet, GS Telecoms, Netcom Africa, Megatech, Steineng, Medallion Communications, Inet Global, Linkserve, Nitel, Swift Talk, Microaccess and Starcomms.
Additionally, he noted that Cyberspace, Accelon, 21st Century, Setlins, Bestcom, Disc Communications, Cobranet, Galaxy ITT & MTN are on the network of keeping Nigeria’s internet traffic local.
In a related development, Rudman said IXPN is using technical support from Tara Systems to successfully perform a bench test of its equipment.
These equipments include switches and routers, so as the IXPN locations were simulated in a single room, in effect simulating the Internet exchange itself, stressing that some members of the public were invited to have a look at what the IXPN will eventually look like.
In her reaction, the Executive Director, DSA, Mrs. Nkemdilim Umah-Nweke said that it is heart-warming to get IXPN commendation at this time and enjoined stakeholders and Internet enthusiasts in the country to capitalize on the opportunity offered by the forum to enlighten themselves.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
NiRA endorses DigitalSense forum-09

The Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA) has given its endorsement for the 2009 edition of the Nigeria Digital Sense Forum, which focus is on enthroning globally acceptable internet governance and advancing penetration in the country.
The endorsement came from the vice president of NiRA, Mrs. Mary Uduma, at the weekend, who was quoted as saying that NiRA understands the need to have a common voice at the forthcoming global Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Egypt.
“It is important that we harmonize our positions before heading to Egypt,” Mrs. Uduma said, stressing that the endorsement is essential to encourage participation of members both corporate and individuals as well as the entire Internet community in the country at the forum.
She promised that NiRA alongside other industry organization, would make every effort at ensuring that Digital Sense Forum 2009 turned out a success because it would reflect on Nigeria’s agenda at the IGF.
Reacting to the endorsement amidst consolation to NiRA over the death of its pioneer president, late Mr. Ndukwe Kalu on Tuesday, September 8, 2009, in a press statement signed by the Executive Director, Digital Sense Africa (DSA), Mrs. Nkemdilim Umah-Nweke, said that the endorsement by NiRA shows the importance of the forum and its theme, which is ‘Internet Governance: Creating Opportunities for All Nigerians.’
She expressed optimism that the forum scheduled to hold in Lagos on November at the Golden Gate Ikoyi, would offer stakeholders a platform to join forces in building the nation’s internet community so as to make it stronger.
Further, she said that it is unfortunate that Kalu who have worked so hard for the development of Internet and its penetration in the country did not stay alive to witness the berthing of this forum, which his input gave rise to the eventual concept for enlightenment of the Nigeria Internet community on Internet-related issues.
She recalled that NIRA was born by the Nigeria Internet Community in 2005 which include the Computer Professional Registration Council of Nigeria (CPN), Internet Service Providers Association of Nigeria (ISPAN), Nigeria Computer Society (NCS), Nigeria Internet Group (NIG), Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria (COREN) and Nigeria Society of Engineers (NSE) to name a few.
Further she said that the formation and incorporation as well as the election of the first Board of Trustees and Board of Directors soon after on May 2007, cannot go without mentioning of the part played by late Kalu.
Reiterating that plans have been concluded to co-locate the event with an industry-focused expo, expected to attract who’s who in the nation’s Internet Service Providers (ISP) community, who would use the platform to showcase their brands and services by engaging end users.
... Postpones AGM over president’s death
According to the Vice President, NIRA, Mrs. Mary N. Uduma, in a press statement made available to Champion Infotel, while confirming that late Kalu would be buried on Saturday, October 31, 2009 in Abriba, his hometown in Abia State, said the postponement has become imperative so as to give his family and entire internet community to commiserate over his death.
She explained that NIRA Executive Board rose from a meeting last week in Lagos, to adopt a unanimous decision to postpone indefinitely the AGM earlier planned to hold at the Airport Hotel, Lagos today, Wednesday, September 2009.
“Following the sudden death of the pioneer President of the association, Mr. Ndukwe Kalu, we hereby notify our board members, trustees, stakeholders and the general public that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NIRA) previously scheduled to hold in Lagos on September 24, 2009 has been postponed till further notice,” she said.
Also she said that the postponement would enable NIRA mobilize its members to attend the burial of late Kalu scheduled to hold in Abriba in Abia State, as announced by Kalu’s family.
NIRA she said, would make further announcements to Nigerians and the Internet community regarding programmes leading to the burial of its late president.
Nigerians from all walks of life have continued to express their condolence over the sudden death of the pioneer President of NIRA.
She noted that under late Kalu’s leadership, Nigeria recently recorded the successful full re-delegation and local management of Nigeria’s country code top level domain name, (ccTLD) the .ng.
Before his death, late Kalu specialised in design and installation of various networks for over a decade as well as pioneered IT publications in Nigeria through the publishing of Nigeria’s first IT magazine called IT Watch Africa in 1994.
From there, late Kalu revolutionized newspaper IT reporting by conceptualizing and commencing the first robust IT section in the Nigerian newspaper history, tagged InfoTech ThisDay in 1998.
He was a member of several professional bodies some of which are Nigeria Society of Engineers, Nigeria Computer Society, Nigeria Institute of Management, Chartered Institute of Administration, Institute of Data Processing and Management (IDPM) London, among others.
He also served on various boards some of which are Amsco Telecoms Limited, Amsco Nigeria Limited, Admiral Insurance Company Limited, Pricehouse Communication Limited, Alphastream Solutions Nigeria Limited, among others.
He also recently served as member of a Joint Committee of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) and Internet Service Providers Association of Nigeria (ISPAN) on developing a suitable regulation for the use of ISM frequency band in the country.
In 2004, he was elected the National Vice President of Internet Service Providers of Nigeria (ISPAN) and also served on the NCC Industry Committee set up to advice on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) regulation.
Late Engr. Kalu also served on the National Cyber Crime Working Group, a body set up by former President Olusegun Obasanjo to fashion out effective legislation and system to fight cyber crime in Nigeria.
He has recently spearheaded several initiatives to improve teledensity and Internet penetration in Nigeria, one of which is Naijawifi, an alliance of Nigerian ISPs set to offer a Wi-Fi Internet Access blanket all over Nigeria. He was also the Chairman of NCC/Presidential Committee set up to actualize a sustainable Internet Exchange for Nigeria.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Digital Sense Africa to host forum in Lagos

The Executive Director, Digital Sense Africa (DSA) Mrs. Nkemdilim Nweke, disclosed this at the weekend, saying that the inaugural edition of the group’s based industry issues would be hosted in Nigeria in November this year.
She told ITRealms Online in Lagos that plans are up for the event scheduled to hold at the Golden Gate Paradise, Ikoyi-Lagos on Thursday, November 5, 2009.
This year’s theme, she disclosed, would focus on ‘Internet Governance – Creating Opportunities for All Nigerians’.
Readmore: Digital Sense Africa to host forum in Lagos
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Nigeria Digital Sense Forum coming soon!
Friday, August 28, 2009
4th Annual Global IGF Meeting
The fourth annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Meeting will be held from 15-18 November 2009 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Please visit the IGF website and the Host Country website for more information. |
2009 EA-IGF: 7-9 September 2009, Nairobi, Kenya
The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet), the Kenya Network Information Centre (KENIC) in collaboration with other organisations are pleased to invite you to the second East African Internet Governance Forum (EA-IGF 2009) to be held at the Jacaranda hotel in Nairobi, Kenya, from 7th to 9th September 2009.
The forums theme is: Advancing the Internet Governance Debate in East Africa: “Thinking Globally; Acting Locally” |